Friday, March 6, 2015

What's Our Movie Going to be About?

My group had several meetings with other groups in which we discussed our movie ideas. We presented two ideas: a big brother (AKA the popular guy at school) showing his little brother (who is a well-behaved shy kid) how to escape school OR how a student is a nobody at school, and starts a YouTube channel to escape reality. After discussing both film ideas we leaned more towards the YouTube one. We decided to build upon the story of how he escapes reality through YouTube. This student's YouTube becomes quiet popular at the school he attends, yet nobody at school knows its him because he wears his mask during all his videos. He then starts getting this idea that if he reveals his identity he will become popular and get the girl of his dreams. After much thinking he decides to continue with this plan of revealing himself, and on the day he does, his predictions were correct. Everybody at school loves him, and he got his crush's attention. Throughout this journey of becoming popular, he loses himself as he lets the fame get to him.
During the film opening, we want to capture the character's background of this idea of him being a "nobody" at school, and how he creates YouTube videos. We find that this will be quiet difficult to present in such limited time. However, my group is up for the challenge, and discussion is taking place on how to present our character through the opening.

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