Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Shot List

Our group created a shot list in order to be organized in what type of shots we are going to utilize and what will be in the frame of each shot:
The letters are different locations, and shot abbreviations include: WS (wide shot), CU (close up), MS (medium shot), and OS (over-the-shoulder).

  1. Int. Bedroom. Day
  2. Montage
  3. School

1A. WS. Out of focused bedroom, FRANKIE getting up from bed, entering the frame. He yawns and then the alarm sounds. This really wakes him up as a song plays making him get up. He exits the frame. Focused. PUSH INTO a computer with YouTube as the website. As we get nearer, the song gets louder. As the beat drops, we cut to the montage.

1B. WS. YouTube Page
2B. CU. Search Bar
3B. MS/BOOM DOWN. Related Videos
4B. MS. YouTube Video with Title. Background out of focused.

1C. CU. YouTube Video. Pull back to reveal video on smartphone and people walking. Follow people to fight.
2C. MS. FRANKIE entering frame. EDDIE punches him to the ground
3C. MS/Low Angle. EDDIE and EMMA
4C. MS/High Angle. FRANKIE
7C. CU. EMMA walking away
8C. MS. FRANKIE getting up
9C. CU. Mask is falling down
10C. WS. FRANKIE walking away
11C. CU. Mask on ground, but two feet mysteriously enter the frame

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