Friday, March 13, 2015

Movie Genre

The genre of the film will be a dramatic comedy. Movies such as The Princess Diaries, The Bucket List, and 50 First Dates have inspired this genre choice. All movies are meant to revolve around a character's life, or several character's lives, in which they experience a change of course that impacts them strongly in both positive and negative ways. The overall film will be a mixture of both serious and comedic scenes to have viewers experience a roller coaster of emotions. We want our viewers to have a good laugh but we also want them to recognize how certain events in life can change a person. Our main character in the film has been exposed to this life of fame that comes with the package of long term consequences. This film will take viewers on a journey of this teenage boy's life as he let's the fame get to him (taking into consideration that he was once a nobody), and loses himself from the clear path he was once on.

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